Christoph de Babalon – Ach, Mensch

As one of the most interesting breakbeat scientists out there, Christoph de Babalon always surprises with unmatched sound design. The EP “Ach Mensch” is no exception to that rule. It features four incredibly well programmed tracks, each unique in its own terms. Drums grow organically while haunted, dreamy soundscapes lead the way. Every single track carries a melancholic vibe along that sets the mood for the next 22 minutes.

The strange and orchestral EP simply knows how to deliver atmospheres that just hit the sport. Despite the EP being on point at all times, it somehow manages to remain abstract throughout the whole playtime. That’s maybe one the many interesting features of this EP. Lastly, it needs to be mentioned that the cover art of the EP just adds a final layer to this magnificent record. The artwork by Apolo Cacho is an excellent choice for this already disturbing artifact of a troubled moment in time.

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