Sydney City Chiptune Ministries – Chipbreak Alliance

For some reason the aesthetics of chiptune music along with crushed breakbeats create a very peculiar vibe. Of course, this somehow always triggers some nostalgia, be it from video game soundtracks or early rave records. This grittiness has been captured so perfectly with the “Chipbreak Alliance” compilation by the Sydney City Chiptune Ministries. While the name alone means serious business, so does also the compilation itself.

With a compilation of this size, you wouldn’t believe that there are so many good tracks on it. The range of tracks is wide and every one of them features a ton of breaks. Surrounded by these decimated soundscapes the tracks go on their own adventure. This compilation clearly addresses all the explorers out there who want to hear something else. There are really some exceptional pieces on this release that want to be discovered by some thirsty eardrums.

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