AZS presents 7 Damaged Minds

Wow, at some point we were wondering whether it’ll go on or not. After all these throwbacks, it feels awesome to be back. It’s such a lucky coincidence that both works out. We have the blog and more importantly, we have another podcast in our catalogue. This means a lot to us. Especially if you take into consideration how long it was calm and nothing has happend. Right after our latest event, which also took us much too long to promote, we asked Damaged Minds to record a podcast for us. But as you all know, things never work out […]

Some Mixes

We need some content! Therefore I made small collection of mixtapes. In my opinion they can be seen as some of the best tapes of the last years. Of course this list isn’t complete and not to be taken seriously, though it is a start. Especially those of you who are searching for some new mixes will be glad to have this list. Our idea is to post single sets with some feedback, you’ll see later that theses feedbacks will be much more extensive. Further, we always welcome unknown DJs. Leave a message if you think your tape might fit […]

Some Albums

Here, I gathered a small selection of – in my opinion – important albums. Most of them are more or less recent. If you have any albums that are missing then let us know. Of course we know that there are so many albums missing, but this simply should give you some input for now. In the meantime I’ll see what I can find in my shelves… Limewax – Always & Never The collection of previously unreleased material makes this release the holy grail for every Limewax fan around. We sure know that the grandmaster of Skullstep knows his shit better […]