Acidic Male // Rotor Militia – Double Cross 003

The next super strange release is by Acidic Male and Rotor Militia on Double Cross. As before the label keeps pushing sound somewhere you’d never expect it to be. But it fits neatly wherever it is. The third installment on the label turns into unchartered territory. The first two tracks on the A-side were written by Acidic Male and feature compositions that are as far away from the average that they cannot be even classified anymore. On the flip Rotor Militia equally challenges the listener with rhythms that broke out of every grid. The flow of both tracks is amazing. […]

LXC – We Have To Hold Apart

Finding words for this album is rather difficult. LXC rereleased and remastered “We Have to Hold Apart” along with a previously unreleased bonus tune and it simply sounds incredible. Absolutely weird and otherworldy music that does not follow any known formula. While it partially reminds you a bit of drum and bass it can not easily be put into any category. Just weird bits and bleeps having a good time. Of course, as you’d expect from an LXC release, you receive high quality audio, accompanied with strange puns, but also very thoughtful tracks that do not match anything (well maybe […]

Somatic Responses – Unreal Memory

Only few can deliver albums like Somatic Responses. After all these years they just won’t run out of ideas. Their sound is still developing into realms you’ve absolutely never heard of. The whole album is a journey into uncharted territory without any boundaries. This also explains why the sound is constantly evolving into more and more sophisticated patterns of hectic acoustics. Undoubtedly, it’s the flow of their tracks that make this music stand out so much. The soundscapes effortlessly switch between dreamy and silky pads accompanied by lively percussions to gritty colorful worlds of darkness – if that makes sense. […]

Darkmatter, USA / 5lowershop, USA / Saturnalia Festival, It | Mix | 2018

The next mix is really fallen out of time. Well, literally… It is a recording of a DJ Scud set from 2018 and seriously breathtaking. You’ll have a hard time finding anything that compares to this. I’m very impressed by this incredible piece of art. The progression of the mix is so nice, it’s really pushing boundaries. Sure, it’s partially very experimental, but isn’t that also what we’re here for? Apart from this mix, it’s also highly recommended to check out his other sets on soundcloud. There’s a lot of cool stuff to discover. The sets a very thoughtful und […]