While Hardcore tends to be more and more boring, the new album by Aus Industrial Militia proves everybody wrong who claims that Hardcore is shit nowadays. Sure, the statement may remain true in some regards, but this does not apply at all for this release on Industrial Strength. The album manages to bring dancefloor friendly tracks that break out enough to deviate from the program but still remain danceable at all times. Moreover, it does a good job providing harshness when needed, but it never sounds forced or over the top. The artists behind Aus Industrial Militia Kader and DJ […]
Known as a Breakcore and Drum and Bass veteran, Amboss returns to Praxis Records with a 10 track album. The album is a collection of previously unreleased tracks which were written between 2000 and 2003. Accordingly, this album is for everyone who wishes to go back to the early 2000s and to the relentless breakbeat violence from this era. All tracks feature severely destroyed soundscapes but in the best way possible. You could even go that far and call it a timeless release. For 5€ you receive a bunch of pretty cool tracks, so definitely consider it! Basic Training (praxis_01001) […]
The Kapotcast by 100 Kilo Maarten blends perfectly old and new styles. The mixing is on point and the selection is just fabulous. Just jaw breaking industrial Hardcore from the front to the back as we all love it! Mental Wreckage · Kapotcast.13: 100 Kilo Maarten (Jan 2024)
The next release also comes a bit late to the table. But it definitely aged well since June last year. “Tape Bleed 001 VA [Noise Bleed]“ on the Berlin label Pure Hate Trax is a pretty broad approach towards distortion. While the first tracks fall into noisy, ambient sound textures, other tracks work more excessively with kickdrums, blending industrial with even more industrial – fast and slow. It seriously is an excellent composition with a well-crafted build up. The tracks sit great on this release, regardless of their very different speed, rhythms and level of creative destruction. Sure, it’s not […]
Definitely an album from last year that is still worth this year’s attention. “Futurism” by the Austrian Hardcore producer Hardez is exactly how you would imagine an industrial Hardcore album with this title to be. It meanders between dancefloor friendly fire, insane breakdowns as well as industrial soundcapes. Every now and then it features some breaks here and there and enters Crossbreed territory. The style is consistent but still diverse throughout the release. Undoubtedly, everything is produced extremely well, it all sounds great and can effortlessly deliver the eerie, futuristic dystopian vibe, you’d come to expect. There are more releases […]
Pretty decent mix by Starving Insect. It features mostly slower Hardcore and hard Techno. The selection is really diverse and worth every minute. HardSoundRadio · Starving Insect – From The Deep Part 10 On HardSoundRadio – HSR
Cloud Chaser by LabRot offers a bright perspective on – well what is this actually? Hmm, the release feeds on several styles such as techno, hardcore and industrial, but that’s apparently not all. It’s hard to find words for it, but it’s something else. Something partially truly broken und unheard before. In addition, the trippy sound design is never afraid to overthrow everything and to start anew. This makes the release an intriguing experiment without any foreseeable result. LabRot – Cloud Chaser by CORELIGULA
Only few can deliver albums like Somatic Responses. After all these years they just won’t run out of ideas. Their sound is still developing into realms you’ve absolutely never heard of. The whole album is a journey into uncharted territory without any boundaries. This also explains why the sound is constantly evolving into more and more sophisticated patterns of hectic acoustics. Undoubtedly, it’s the flow of their tracks that make this music stand out so much. The soundscapes effortlessly switch between dreamy and silky pads accompanied by lively percussions to gritty colorful worlds of darkness – if that makes sense. […]
Butterfist has had quite an impact on the scene recently with releases on labels such as Industrial Strength, Oblivion Underground or Prototypes. If you are into modern hardcore, you should listen to the set without hesitation. The mixing is on point and the track selection is very well thought out. TOXIC SICKNESS OFFICIAL · BUTTERFIST / ISR RADIO #69 ON TOXIC SICKNESS / DECEMBER / 2023
Industrial Strength is not only one of the most import Hardcore labels out there, it is also pushing boundaries when it comes to musically deviances. Their latest release undoubtedly falls into a category of its own. Apwnm x Tannis created a slamming noisescape that heavily feasts on spoken words. In “The Axis of Self” both artists went into uncharted territory. It’s extremely well produced and dark as hell. Especially the words by Tannis provide this EP with a very emotional and intense atmosphere. In case you want to dig deeper, we can highly recommend to also check out their homepage. […]
The Oblivion Underground guys came up with a new Remix competition. This time of Deathmachine’s “Dred” and here’s the result. Thirteen tracks made it onto the release. You can expect lots of hard music from 140 to 200 BPM. Maybe you will not like every track on it, but it’s definitely worth going through the tracks to discover some weirdness. (OBLIVION022) Dred_The Remixes LP by Deathmachine / Various
Hell yeah, here’s the next completely free release for you. This compilation on Ohm Resistance from Estonia comes with a whopping 23 tracks ranging from Drum and Bass to Crossbreed, some Hardcore, but also very slow and sludgy electronics. Yeah, it’s pretty cool, seriously, the variety of artists on this release makes it really stand out. Since it’s free there’s also nothing to lose! Give it a listen and maybe consider donating a few bucks, if you want to support the label. APHELION 2023 by Various Artists
Right before the year ends, the Dekmantel Mix from the DJ Producer came out. And as with every DJ Producer mix this really defines new standards. The mixing is clearly amazing and the tracks are nicely selected. The set’s quite diverse and shows a lot in little time. dekmantel · The DJ Producer at Dekmantel Festival 2023
Ah shit, look at this. Promo released a ton of material on the Third Movement. The first thing to mention is clearly the rerelease of his own album “Last Men Standing” from 2001. But there’s way more than that. On this release you can also find a ton of additional material. So instead of the 16 tracks on the original album you now have 44. Apart from that, there are also two additional remix EPs. Personally, there was not too much for me on the releases, however since there was so much material, I found a handful of very good […]
If you are also here for the more historical pieces, then this might be of interest for you. The Outside Agency just started their Crossbreed Legacy Series. For the first episode they arranged a journey through some of the material that influenced the Outside Agency back then. So, as you may have guessed already, they know how to pick some quality tunes for their personal history lesson. 00:00 DJ Luna-C – I Know U (D’Cruze Remix) [1993]03:29 Hardsequencer – Hypnotizing Unhappiness [1993]05:49 Pinhead – Slammin’ Beatz [1993]07:20 Hardliners – Motherfuckin’ Breakbeat [1993]09:07 Citrus – Fascination [1993]12:00 Defqon – Brainwasher [1992]15:19 […]
The latest PRSPCT podcast is a live recording from PRSPCT XL earlier this month. As always, Li-Z delivers pretty neat transitions with all the weird music in the world you can find. Her mix really shines thanks to her extraordinary great taste. Especially the breakbeat lovers will enjoy this, but not only them. There’s also a lot hammering hardcore in it, too 😊 PRSPCT Recordings · PRSPCT PDCST 090 – Li-Z live at PRSPCT XL32 Hellfish – Severe BreakageAnna Morgan – GraceErik Burka – VentspillHeadbanger – Sweet DreamsThys, Nicholas Thayer – Go AgainJuggernaut – XTC MotherfuckerEprom – RemorseSamurai Breaks – […]
Nekrolog1k has always been a splendid address for hard electronic music. For a Hong Kong Violence party, label owner Ak-Industry played a set to remember. It’s been on heavy rotation for quite some time here and is a must have for industrial lovers. The track selection is magnificent and shows the diversity of Hardcore. Nekrolog1k Recordings · AK-INDUSTRY @ HONG KONG VIOLENCE IN SEDAN (Neks BDAY Bash)
The second mix for Praxis records by 0bleak showcases a broad variety of abstract electronic music from all over the globe. This diversity is also represented in a very tasty tracklist. The mix really dives into an otherworldly environment, unknown the most of us yet. But even though there’s so much to discover here, you can find structure everywhere. Sometimes extremely mutilated, but apparently, it’s necessary. Oh yes it is! Praxis Records · 0bleak DJ MIX 2023 – Alligator Flavor Crocodile Bile 4 (The Last Pour) Tracklist:NO/ON: Wafat – ANFS scorpion’s lair remix [Zela Archives]Exploited Body: Nothing Personal [PAN]Pruvan: The […]
Doomsday Conduit on Acroplane Records is the latest installment by the brothers Paul & John Healy better known as Somatic Responses. As usual they show great taste in heavily distorted soundscapes mixed with some of the strangest acid lines you’ve heard so far. And of course, not to forget their breakbeat-wizardry that really drives the tracks through several dimensions. The album is an insane trip with 10 equally enjoyable chapters which all sound very inviting – and always different. Some of these chapters are darker and rougher than others, but in general the overall theme appears to be very glitchy […]
Well, the waiting is finally over! Even though the world is shattered to pieces, there are some things that help you deal with all the bullshit. And this album is definitely one of the silver linings on the horizon. After a slight delay, the Silence present their first full-length album. Words like mind-blowing couldn’t even describe what the album achieved. This is hardcore at it’s peak. It has everything, features old and new, and manages to be innovative at all points. The sound design is just brilliant. Distortion never sounded any better. This clarity and production value is outstanding. Apart […]
After his first album “Unboxed” on PRSPCT last year, Tripped came up with another full length release just recently. Even though the first release was very impressive, the second one lifts this bouncy in-your-face Hardcore style that Tripped is famous for on a new level. It’s great to see that his style develops continuously, but you can still recognize his signature sound. The album features 10 tracks, including a pretty noisy intro with a savory kick drum filter extravaganza. As this sets the tone for the rest of the album, the tracks on it cover a bright palette and include […]
Only few releases have the class to cast a spell over you. But luckily, there exist some breathtaking exceptions. Even though the name G.xist didn’t ring a bell or anything so far, the artist managed to produce an atmospheric trip into the unknown. With six utterly different tracks, G.xist pushed the boundaries of sonic exploration. The rhythms do not sound too alien, but still run differently than most electronic music. It therefore also questions your listening habits. But again, it’s not too far away, from what you maybe already appreciate. It’s absolutely worth checking out, especially on a rainy afternoon. […]
The Relic’s mix for Hidden Room nearly 4-hour journey into madness. The track selection is on point and the mixing is tight. The overall theme is dark and it’s packed with acid lines. In general the mix meanders between hard techno and rock solid hardcore. The Relic · Hidden Rooms' "Passion Doesn't Pay Mix P12" 01. Kontain – The Cold Face02. The Maxx – Cocaine (Umwelt Remix)03. 10 CLS – Screen 904. Restive Plaggona – Never Recovered05. I Murdered – Skin Jacket06. Ronove – Anarkhos07. AK-Industry – Dead Bird08. MRD – Lights09. A*S*Y*S, Kai Tracid, Tom Wax – Freedom Of […]
As for the start of a new mixtape series from the Disconnect/Praxis guys, Saxenhammer provided some carefully selected tunes. The set can be considered a rough trip through the electronic universe. Covering everything weird electronics have to offer – with tons of classic material in it! Praxis Records · Saxenhammer DJ SET 2023 – Exclusive new Mix 1. Lasse Marhaug – context 4 (Smalltown Supersound)2. Pure – accumulate depreciation (Stirpe999)3. Fret – the hill (L.I.E.S)4. AQXDM – ballad (Bedouin)5. Core-tex – destruction (Xpdigiflex)6. Giant Swan – IFTLOYL (Timedance)7. Vromm – bees (Over/shadow)8. Dint – shovel >Ontal remix< (Horo)9. Limbertimbre – […]
It’s rare that you come across some music and think: “Wow, that’s really something else!” of course “Sustained Resistance” by Maelstrom & Louisahhh is not entirely new music, but the way this duo combines different strains of music and weaves them together into a seminal piece of art (well, it’d dare to call it that way) is simply amazing. The tracks themselves are emotionally charged amalgamations of hard electronic music. You find traces of so many different genres here – luckily, only the good ones. No seriously, it’s absolutely worth listening, especially for those of you who are looking for […]
It may come as a surprise that we post such an old mix, but then on the other hand, why not? It’s a great mix by none other than Mark N himself. This mix really sums up how relentless and unforgiving hardcore was 20 years ago. There are people claiming that you can find copies of this mix lying on certain servers. I would not recommend to specifically look for them on well-known internet search engines. So anyway, it’s a great historic mix that should be played at every occasion on full blast 😊 dj.mark.n.australia · DJ Mark N […]
The latest album by Void settler “Bell, Book & Candle” came out recently on the Third Movement and is definitely one of a kind. The album feasts on so many musical traditions, but breaks and rearranges them all the time. Obviously, you find traces of hardcore and tons of distortion everywhere. But apart from that, the record also features gothic soundscapes, orchestral elements and choirs from hell. The musical structures of the tracks do not follow any conventional formula. And this is what makes the album really stand out. It’s demanding, it’s really questioning your listening habits. But it always […]
Thank you! It was great. Playing outdoors is the best, especially when the sun’s up again! Btw. there’s only the first half of the set on Soundcloud. For a direct download, you can also click here. Tracklist:Mad Dog – Il FuturoSomniac One – MNDKNTRLMarc Acardipane – Pitch-Hiker (Marc Acardipane Remix)Promo – B-Side ShitStarving Insect & Catscan – The RainmakerStormtrooper & Syprexa – We Do It On ETripped – Stronk (Waldhaus Remix)Bodylotion – How Much Can You Take (Catscan Remix)Promo – The VowSei2ure – DestroyEnzyme X – Silly mid onTymon – Dead Evil (Splinter Cell remix)Mindustries – Empty SpacesOphidian – SpokenSei2ure […]
Pretty cool mix by Miyuki Omura. I kinda have the feeling that we will hear a lot about her in the upcoming future. Actually, you can already witness her talent here. It’s absolutely recommended to hit that button. Tracklist: 01. Miyuki Omura- ID02. Cancel – Silent Treatment03. Ghost in the Machine – Ball Collapse04. Yumeo & Shimon_ Harbig – Throne05. D. Carbone – Infidelity (Starving Insect Remix)06. Somniac One – Arp Track #107. 14anger – Louder Than A Thousand Thunders (Densha Crisis Remix)08. Sacerdos Vigilia – Distortion Matters09. AVLM – Voices10. Broken Rules – Bedroom Traxx (Dep Affect Remix)11. Tripped […]
The most recent release from Marlen on Motormouth Recordz is just a neat, banging hardcore/hard techno release that is as uncompromising as it is rough. Of course, hard music gained a lot of momentum recently, but not much overcomes the generic same wannabe hard mentality. This release is again an exception to the rule. Marlen only released on Motormouth Recordz as far as I found out and all the releases sound very good. I did not hear much from this producer yet, but to me personally the sound sticks out from the average “just make it hard and pretend it’s […]
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