Switch Technique ‘Scars’ Review

Now, this seems to be the first regular entry for the album section. Let’s see how it works out. I thought it might be nice to give you at first some general information about the artist and the album itself. Further I’d like to pick out certain tracks of which I think are especially worth mentioning. Of course, It’s always questionable what tracks will be chosen. Everyone’s taste is different, and that’s a good thing. So maybe others would chose complete different tracks. Best thing is in every case to simply listen to the whole album, then you’ll see which […]

Some Albums

Here, I gathered a small selection of – in my opinion – important albums. Most of them are more or less recent. If you have any albums that are missing then let us know. Of course we know that there are so many albums missing, but this simply should give you some input for now. In the meantime I’ll see what I can find in my shelves… Limewax – Always & Never The collection of previously unreleased material makes this release the holy grail for every Limewax fan around. We sure know that the grandmaster of Skullstep knows his shit better […]